
Please see the announcement on the Home Page.

Outlook True Archive had one simple, understandable main screen:

OTA main screen - click to enlarge

(Click image above to see larger version)

Further screen shots

Click on the link – each will open in a new window (typically < 100k)

  1. Main Screen – the opening screen for OTA (with explanation of main items)
  2. More – where the user can select more filter criteria
  3. Create archive (* option) – create a new archive PST file and select where it is saved
  4. Date selection – pick the dates you wish to archive on
  5. Results summary – see what has been archived (or a preview of this)
  6. Stats – get statistics about the currently selected Outlook file (.PST)
  7. Configure: General tab
  8. Configure: Advanced tab – Advanced criteria to be used as default
  9. Configure: Folder export – provide details of destination of exported mails
  10. Configure: License – enter your registered user name and license key here
  11. Configure: Support – how to find us or contact support
  12. Save selections – Conveniently save the folders you have ticked, to be re-loaded later

A high resolution shot is available, with an explanation of the options (although they are self-explanatory, in the main) as part of the product’s manual, available for download (as a PDF file) on the Support page.

We also have introduced Tutorial Videos in Flash.

Why not try the free download version of Outlook True Archive and have a closer look here?